In honor of my new position on Parajunkee I am taking part in her meme (pronounced like stream) Desperately Wanting Wednesday. What is DWW, you ask? Well this is what Parajunkee says..
So what books am I Desperately Wanting!!!
Title: Alice in Zombieland
Author: Gena Showalter
Source: Uh hardcopy...should be here any day from Amazon.
Why: Well because it looks fucking epic. Duh!
She won’t rest until she’s sent every walking corpse back to its grave. Forever.
Title: Unlikely Allies
Author: Tiffany King
Source: My Kindle. I have had this on my kindle since it came out. I so so so want to blast through all my review requests and sink my teeth into this.
Why: Uh cause I LOVE Tiffany King and this book sounds amazing.
In their struggle for survival, they realize what they thought they knew about each other isn’t true after all.
click on the cover to purchase from Amazon. (Sorry B&N fans I am an Amazon girl)! Yee Haw!
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