Rating: 5 stars *****
Source: Reviewer Purchase
Buy this book: Exhale (Just Breathe)
Blurb: Her dreams brought them together, but reality could tear them apart…
The man of Zoe Morgan’s dreams isn’t only real, he’s interested. In her. But her boss wants her too, and is leveraging his unsolicited advances with the threat of blocking the huge promotion she's after. When he places a spy on her research team, the intense stranger discovers more than he should, and Zoe fears hiding a relationship with Gavin Cassidy from her boss is the least of her worries. The whale she must protect has been marked for death, and Zoe's old enemy Scarlet is eager to deliver the killing blow. To both of them.
Australia’s Sentinels must find and lock the door into the Dreaming before Fyre Elementals launch another attack on innocent dreamers. But corruption and distrust abound, and Gavin believes someone on the Sentinel council is in league with the Fyres. As he reluctantly embraces his new role as council leader, Gavin must not only keep Zoe safe from Scarlet's vengeful clutches, but organize a Sentinel defense strong enough to prevent a full-blown Elemental war—with a traitor fighting by his side.
*This book contains graphic language, sex, and some violence. Not suitable for readers under the age of 18.**The author will donate all profits from the sale of the JUST BREATHE trilogy to programs that educate people about whales and the challenges they face.
Lori's Thoughts:
This book picks up right where book 1 stops. Zoe and Gavin are still fighting the fire, and resisting each other in the real world. Outside influences are doing their best to keep the pair apart as well. Gavin is torn for his new love/lust for Zoe and his job as a Sentinel. Zoe is torn between her feelings for Gavin, her love for the whales and protecting her heart. Each discovers new things about themselves as they find each other.Exhale is amazing. Period. The world building that Kendall has done for this series is awe inspiring. I love the quirky characters she brings to life. I meant to save some quotes for this review but I was so sucked into her world that I lost focus of reviewing the book and just read. And I enjoyed the hell out of the ride.
Zoe is such a strong woman. She knows her strengths and draws on them often. Sure she has moments of self doubt but she always conquers them and her enemies with grace and snark. Bahaha she's one randy lady. She cracks me up. She's got that wise ass wit that I admire and want in leading ladies.
Gavin is still his charming self. Sexy as hell, smouldering and he never fails to have trouble following on his heels. He literally brings it to his door. Poor man is reaping what he sowed when he got with Scarlett. Ugh Scarlett. She is gross, and a bad bad person that I love to hate.
The one character that really surprises me is Sinnder. We get to see a lot more of the man behind the fire.
Jack Weaver is introduced in this book and he is just the right thing that makes this smart, sexy, fun series even more awesome. Let's just say that the Big Lebowski is one of my favorite movies and I see Jack as "The Dude" so easily, it's a perfect fit. This is exactly who Gavin needs to mentor him. He has the right dose of Chill the Fuck out that Gavin needs at times.
Just go out and buy this series and read it!!!!!!!!
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