Vengeance (Dissidence #2)
by Jamie Canosa
Published June 16th 2013
Things aren’t always as they seem. In fact, in a world of secrets and lies almost nothing ever is, but Kaleigh made her choices and now she has to live with the consequences.
Haunted by her guilt, Kaleigh is forced to question everything she thought she knew. From friends and foes, to loyalty and love, she’s quickly losing faith in herself and those around her.
Everyone she cares about has been hurtled to the front lines, but can Kaleigh find the strength within herself to keep fighting? Or, surrounded by loss, deceit, and betrayal, will her fiery spirit finally be extinguished?
Synopsis from Goodreads

Dissidence (Dissidence #1)
by Jamie Canosa
Published November 25th 2012
In dystopian America, sixteen-year-old Kaleigh finds out quickly what having a big mouth and not enough brains to keep it shut can earn you. A one-way ticket to the work camps that no one even knows exists.
Nuclear war has ravished the nation, and a century later, the survivors are living in an entirely new world. In a society where everything is decided for you, from where you work to who you marry, dissidence is not taken lightly.
But, even inside the camps, Kaleigh’s fiery spirit refuses to be extinguished. In a single moment of defiance, she manages to spark a riot that ignites into a full-blown rebellion.
With growing numbers counting on her, not just for their freedom, but for their very lives, two different boys vying for her heart, and trouble brewing from within the camp itself, can Kaleigh find a way to step up and become the leader everyone is counting on her to be, or will even the most carefully laid plans come crashing down around her?
Synopsis from Goodreads
Lori's Review:
Kaleigh lives on her own. She's a bakers assistant, but is not so good at the walking, mixing, physical things needed for the job. So the baker puts her on the register. Where she deals with idiots day in and day out. Her only friend is Peter, he is the only person she feels comfortable being herself with. Kaleigh has a big mouth, a mouth that ends up getting her in trouble. She is found Dissident, and sent to a work camp to toil in an iron mine. It's slave labor and everyone is there because they questioned the way things were. But Kaleigh has a plan to get out, and she does. Little does she know that her actions are the beginning of something big.
This book was awesome. It's like the Hunger Games, Divergent and a whole lot of other dystopians rolled into one! It has action, adventure, a lot of feels, and very very light romance.
Kaleigh is a very likable character. She reminds a lot of myself. I hate people too. She's opinionated and lacks filter. Yep, and Yep.
The action sequences are the best! Jamie's writing really shines while she is writing the action. They are easy to follow, but yet still fast paced and exciting. A lot of times when writers write action scenes I have a hard time following. I am not a visual person. When I read a movie does not show in my head. So sometimes I sit there and think, huh, how is their hand doing that? But that was not the case here.
The romance is so light in this book. So if you are sick of books that poor on the kissing then this is the book for you! It's not overkill, it doesn't saturate every aspect of the story. Sure we all know there is a love triangle going on, but because the MC doesn't know it we get to play oblivious too! I can't make any promises how book two will play out, because I haven't read it yet.
Now to address the four star rating. The ending. That one word. Well let's just say I was so "Gahhh" at it that I had to only give it a four star rating. I do random subjective stuff like that. It has nothing to do with the quality of the work, or even my enjoyment. I just feel like Jamie is torturing me. I want to know what happened!!!!
So there you have it. Loved the book.
A copy of this book was provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.
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