Spring of Seduction (Shelter from the Winter #1)
by D.W. Adler
Published by eXtasy Books on February 1st 2013
Genres: F/F Romance, Urban Fantasy
Pages: 117
Brijit McRaith has been on the run for centuries. Pursued by her mad creator for most of her years as a vampire, she has finally found peace and sanctuary in her native Ireland. But a modern world on the
brink of war has caught up with her and after decades of quiet Brijit finds herself on the run again. To add to her personal chaos, she becomes smitten with mortal Kelly O'Donnell and Brijit and her initial
plans to lay low fall by the wayside. With an uncertain future ahead of her, can Brijit protect her new-found love from a world on the edge of destroying itself?
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The Autumn of Desire
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Brijit and Kelly are comfortable in their new lives as a couple even as the world becomes more unsettled. When a spectre from the past comes back to haunt the vampire, her life is turned upside down with the realization that the future will be anything but peaceful. Faced with the imminent destruction of the world, Brijit lays out a plan for what she needs to do in order to safeguard herself and the love of her life.
The Winter of Passion
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The third book of the Shelter from the Winter series brings the story full circle. The bombs have dropped, turning the Earth into a wasteland of black snow and burned forests. Brijit and Kelly huddle in their underground shelter, safe from the nuclear winter that darkens the Earth. Life is easy underground but they must face the reality of a new and hostile world. Radioactive ruins and hostile survivalists are the least of their worries when the land starts to empty of warm bodies for Brijit to feed from. When there are no more humans or animals, where can Brijit turn to feed herself and keep her sanity?
About The Author

Don counts such authors as Anne Rice, JRR Tolkien, and Edgar Allan Poe, as well as a love for Irish/Celtic myth and folklore as his influences. He loves to read sci-fi, fantasy, post-apocalyptic, and
anything having to do with vampires. Other than sipping tea and writing, Don dabbles in computer animation and graphic design, goes on long walks with his wife, and enjoys the company of his two children. He is constantly plotting how to get back home to Nova Scotia and flees there whenever the sight of snow becomes a necessity.
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What hurdles did you have to go through to write a book from a gay woman's perspective? Did it involve a lot research? Where did you get the inspiration to write from that perspective?
The biggest hurdle I faced was getting the thoughts, feelings, and acts of love right from a woman’s perspective. Let’s face it, I’m a straight male trying to figure out the dynamics of two women who are in love, it’s not easy to do. I had to put myself in my main character, Brijit’s, shoes and try to feel as she would. Are the feelings and emotions more intense? What is the dynamic in that type of relationship, is there a dominant partner or is it more the love of equals? I literally had to get in touch with my feminine side and just let the relationship flow from there.
There wasn’t a lot of research admittedly. I don’t know any gay women personally and my exposure to the lesbian lifestyle is limited to watching television programs like The L Word and Lip Service. I used those programs as a rough guide but let’s face it, what’s on television needs to be taken with many grains of salt – while maybe accurate for one particular locale, it’s not going to represent a community as a whole. In the end, I took the approach of having two people in a very intense, emotional relationship and wrote it as such. So far I haven’t received any angry emails or tweets saying how wrong I got it so I’m hoping I was reasonably accurate.
I had two sources of inspiration for writing the book from a gay woman’s perspective. The first was I wanted to do something different and challenge myself. Anne Rice is one of my favourite authors and she does homo-eroticism very well in her books, though mainly from a male perspective. I wanted to turn that on its head and try it from the female perspective.
The second inspiration was that I wanted to try to make a commentary on sexism. Over the past few years, it’s become increasingly obvious that sexism is very much alive and well in society and doesn’t seem to be going away fast enough. I’ve seem examples with my own eyes and read plenty of articles about how women are still treated in very demeaning ways by men and it sickens me, to be honest. I wanted to portray a character that was fed up with how she’d been treated by men throughout the years, how lies, betrayals, and generally misogynistic attitudes drove her to a breaking point to where she felt that women were her only solace. Though it’s only hinted at in the Shelter from the Winter series, I’ll be fleshing out what Brijit went through in the prequel series that I’m currently writing.
Thank you for the opportunity to talk about my books!
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