Source: ebook provided for review
Rating: 5 stars *****
Blurb:Rue has tasted happiness, felt its warm embrace and had the wind knocked out of her as she faced a tragedy almost to heavy to bear. In the fourth installment of the Blood & Light Vampire Series we re-join these vampires as they struggle with everyday trials and new situations that will shock and delight you.Buy it here: Clarity and Reason (Blood and Light Vampire Series)
Lori's Review:
I have devoured most of this series this week. So excuse me if the books seem to blend into one another. Things seem to finally come to a head for Rue and the gang. They are finally getting some of their mess resolved. Finally getting some loose ends tied up and OH MY FREAKING GOD there is a threesome. It was pretty hot. I won't tell you who participates but wow. Wow.
The author is great at making those steamy parts steamy without the throbbing members and the willy willies, or the flowering sweet scented folds of nerves. Or whatever the kids are calling them these days.
I love Jonah, and I love Lily. They are probably the most dynamic of the b-list characters. My heart belongs to Josh. All characters show lots of growth in this book. Rue if finally realizing that she can't just keep flopping from one mishap to another barely surviving. She learns that she needs to try and exercise some control over her life.
The world is just as amazing, dark and beautiful as it was in the previous books. The writing was obviously good. I keep coming back for more don't I? It's not just Josh and his sick fucking mouth that make me come back. It's the whole she-bang. I really, really don't want the series to be over. And to be honest since they are all blending into my brain as one giant book since I marathoned them I will take a break before finishing up in the next week or so. Plus I have other review obligations. :)
My one negative is the constant going back and forth from an alternate place and then to reality. It can get confusing and sometimes I just want Rue to stay put.
Oh and what the eff happened to Sara? So confused on that whole dealio.
In short this book just....epic. I love the ride that we have been on so far and can't wait to see where we go next.
This is the last book that I will mention that the editing was great in. The first book needed more done to it but the following books have been smooth sailing.
Not intended for younger readers. I am posting this on this blog because it fits better with the New Adult category than with erotica and adult romance that I feature on Infectious Kink.

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